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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

trainin was fun. (: seriously i needa improve a lot. lot of sch work. damn.

i felt disappointed mayb bcus i miss u but i hve to be understanding. i will be supportive. googled- Sometimes just being willing to talk with each other diffuses the situation. It shows respect for the other person, and for the relationship. You may not always reach a mutually satisfactory compromise, sometimes you may need to agree to have different opinions about something. This is OK, the aim of a healthy relationship is not to make you into clones of each other. The important thing is that you can both feel good about who you are. i damn agree with this -take time out if you're feeling you can't deal with it at that moment, but don't use time out as an excuse to avoid the issue. It won't go away by itself.

another question

what exactly is maturity?

someone tell me. to be able to view points for different aspects or being able to spare tots for the people many ard us? i googled and found this-Maturity is a psychological term used to indicate that a person responds to the circumstances or environment in an appropriate manner. This response is generally learned rather than instinctual. Maturity also encompasses being aware of the correct time and place to behave and knowing when to act in serious or non-serious ways.Maturity is something of personal character, or how one acts in stressful or difficult situations, because then a person's true ability to react to a situation can be seen.

am i really tt immature?

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